
In Person tutoring

In-person sessions are very popular, for the reason that they are done in small groups, primarily one to one, however sessions are done with a maximum of 6 students. 

Sessions are provided to support you throughout your prereg, be it preparing for visits in Stage 1, the Practical DO assessment for Stage 2, or the OSCE assessment. Feedback from students is that the sessions are genuinely eye opening, helping you realise the areas you need to focus on for further revision, and give a more realistic assessment of your ability, so you know how much more work you need to put in before the big day.

Bootcamp sessions are held throughout the year focusing on core competencies and topics to help your understanding and support you at any stage of the prereg; the most popular is the OSCEs Bootcamp, which prepares you with exposure to over 60 different OSCE stations over a 2 day period, with time set aside for learning and revising, as well as practicing the stations themselves. 

I have recently had a baby, so although online sessions are still running, Inperson sessions will resume from September 2023. 

Meet Your Optotutor

Bansi Dhamecha

Rajeshwari Sagar

Rajeshwari Sagar